Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Silver Bowl (The Silver Bowl #1) by Diane Stanley

At a very tender age, Molly is sent away to become a scullery maid at the king's castle. Before leaving home, her mother reveals that Molly has inherited magical abilities that she must try to uncover. Once at the castle, a new friend, Tobias, helps Molly handle her new working lifestyle. After several years of hard labor within the castle, Molly is promoted to assist the royal silversmith. While polishing a large hand basin, Molly's magical abilities help her foresee that the basin is cursed and its curse is killing off members of the royal family. She tells Tobias her of visions and they rush to protect the last prince, Alaric, from a horrific event. Molly and Tobias keep the prince in hiding and while they plan a way to stop the curse.

Stanley’s take on magic is refreshing and original. But aside from the fantastical adventure, Molly’s character is beautifully realistic. Molly is an example of someone who sees their agency as power over  how they will react to their circumstances, whether positive or negative. This lesson is clearly taught to Molly by Tobias. She benefits from his wisdom by working hard and doing her best with what she is given. The Silver Bowl is a creative fantasy read with many unexpected twists and turns that will have readers up all night. This is the beginning book of The Silver Bowl trilogy. The second book in the trilogy is The Cup and The Crown.

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